Teaching voice through embodiment and embodiment through voice.
The Embodied Voice is a practice for living more joyfully in mind and body by bringing together voice, movement, mindful awareness, and improvisation.
Balancing science and technique with play and creativity, The Embodied Voice helps us tap into a voice and body that is free, expressive, vital, and present.
Created by Kate Smith
Upcoming Workshops & Events
The Body Become Sound
Each of us has a unique signature, a presence held in our bodies, built layer by layer from our lived experience. The voice is our body become sound, our history turned into expression.
Your Authentic Voice
Become the author of your own journey; learn what it feels like to move and sing from a place of inquiry. Discover an authentic voice that expresses all dimensions of you, past, present and potential.
Free 20 Minute Taster
Sign up to the newsletter to receive a free 20 minute video offering 3 tips for living more Joyfully in Mind and Body. In this participatory video you’ll not only get sounding and moving, you’ll also learn more about Kate and the ethos behind The Embodied Voice.