Embodied Techniques for Unlocking Creativity

Harnessing the mind-body-voice connection to re-awaken your creativity

This course last ran in Spring 2021. 

Get in touch to express your interest in Kate running this course again.

Are you spending a significant portion of your life sitting at your desk, staring at a screen, feeling depleted and uninspired?


This four week course is for people from all walks of life who need an infusion of moving and sounding to get them out of their rut.

In this 4 week course, we will step away from the screen, and use the mind-body-voice connection, combined with multi-disciplinary tools including journaling, drawing, and writing, to shift, unblock, and focus our creative energy and problem-solving skills. We will engage with various forms of non-linear thinking, explore how space and gesture open up new ways of processing and connecting information, the importance of play in our work and relationships, and how creativity can support our physical and mental well-being.

Whatever your project, problem, or field, and regardless of your prior moving or sounding experience, this course will teach you how to access your secret weapon - the body - to get your mind moving, agile, and re-engaged.

What you will receive:

  • 4 1.5hr sessions (6 hrs tuition)

  • join a supportive cohort with opportunities to connect and share about our projects and process

  • 4 different approaches to unlocking creativity using the mind-body-voice connection that can be applied to any area of your work/practice/life

  • Invitation to join the Voice & Body Facebook group to discuss your thoughts and ideas with the community, as well as the opportunity to email Kate with any questions or concerns at any time.

  • “Thank you. For me there are a lot of things that were happening more in the background; even if I wasn’t voicing, things were happening for my body or my brain, and even if I wasn’t moving, things were happening for my voice. I really want you to know how important it was for me to do your course, and thank you.”


  • “The 4 weeks were just right. Cosy, safe and lightly held, and yet somehow we all seemed to be give (and to take) permission to be as playful, wild, risky or <insert whatever we each took permission to be> as we dared. So, yes, it has impacted me very positively, and gently, yet also somehow... profoundly.”


  • “It felt like a fun adventure (hard to imagine from a flat one rarely leaves too!) where I trust that something interesting will happen, without really knowing what will happen.”


Details & Booking


This course is no longer running and is not available as recorded content. Get in touch with Kate if you are interested in joining future runs of this course. 

Dates + Timings

To be determined.


The Embodied Voice Practice Space concluded


Stop Doing, Start Being concluded