The Embodied Voice Practice Space

  A space to practice and create in community

My mission is to enable people to live more embodied, creative lives in tune with themselves, others, and the environment.


While applied study and application is important, so is the regular practice of being with oneself, returning to the mat to listen and receive what arises.

For those of us who have started down this pathway and have the basic tools to develop our relationship to voice and movement, I’d like to extend a structure to support our embodied and creative practices. This will be an open space, every other Friday, to practice together for 30 minutes, in community. 

We’ll each share a word or a phrase before we begin, I’ll set us off with a prompt, task, or playlist, and then we’ll have 20 minutes to explore, practice and follow our interests. At the end, we will come together once more to share a closing word or phrase. All backgrounds and practices are welcome.

What you will receive:

  • A supportive space twice a month, to come together and practice with other voice and body enthusiasts

  • An invitation to take time out to focus on developing your own movement and voice practice

  • Join a community of thoughtful (and bodyfull) practitioners

  • “Thanks Kate. I shifted from a feeling of separateness to allowing nourishing connection through this virtual world of sound family. “


  • “I really enjoy Kate’s openness and feel very comfortable to explore and play around in class. Makes a good working environment that I feel I can try anything.”

  • “I really appreciated "The space and guidance for the group to explore and find our own expression we couldn’t have planned - and this was always pleasing in some way.”


Details & Booking


Booking Info


Suggested: Per session £5 regular

Dates & Timings

Every other Friday morning 09:30-10:00 (GMT), 30 mins

Dates tbd - If I receive enough interest in this project, then I will release new dates in 2022


Transform Your Story; 6 Week Workshop Series concluded


Embodied Techniques for Unlocking Creativity concluded